CDW Takes The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a craze that is sweeping the nation, and it has found its way to Children’s Dental World in Chicago. The fundraising challenge is helping to raise money and awareness for ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease of the nerve cells that takes away muscle movement from those inflicted. Also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is diagnosed in approximately 5,600 people in the U.S. each year.

The Chicago office of Children’s Dental World was challenged by its good friends at Bridgeport Family Dental to complete the ordeal, which consists of dousing challengers with ice cold water. You can witness Children’s Dental World’s Chicago office taking part in the ice bucket challenge below.

The Morton Grove office of Children’s Dental World also completed the challenge, choosing to brave the ice cold water. You can see their results below.

The terms of the ice bucket challenge are simple. Challengers are nominated by those who have previously taken the challenge. In this case Bridgeport Family Dental nominated Children’s Dental World. Those nominated must take part in the challenge within 24 hours of being nominated or donate $100 to the ALS Association.

The challenge has gone viral this year, and has helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for the ALS Association. Considering that the organization raised just $2.5 million in all of 2013, the ice bucket challenge has helped tremendously. Since July 29, nearly $95 million has been raised.

Many big-name celebrities have gotten involved and taken part in the challenge. Rock bands such as Motley Crue and Alice Cooper have even completed the challenge while on stage in front of their fans. Many people, celebrities or not, have decided to complete the challenge as well as donate to the ALS Association.

Both the Chicago and Morton Grove offices of Children’s Dental World enjoyed taking part in the challenge in an effort to raise money and awareness for the deadly disease. Those interested in learning more can visit the ALS Association’s website,, for more information about the ice bucket challenge, the disease, and how to donate.